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imageB6Researcher of the Year Award
Roger Mazze, PhD, vice president of the Park Nicollet Institute and senior vice president of research and development for the International Diabetes Center, has been named the Researcher of the Year by the Institute. This award recognizes people whose published research is original and applicable to clinical practice.

Dr. Mazze is the author of more than 100 articles, chapters and books on diabetes. He has been instrumental in introducing new approaches to treating diabetes throughout the United States and around the world with the program Staged Diabetes Management.

image8Nurse of ExcellenceAward
Patti Rickheim, MS, RN, CDE, manager of patient education for the International Diabetes Center, received the Nurse of Excellence Award for her achievements in research based education. She is an author of the revolutionary Type 2 Diabetes BASICS curriculum and speaks nationally on diabetes curriculum development. Park Nicollet Health Services presents the Nurse of Excellence Awards to individuals who go above and beyond expectations of the nursing field.

IDC Endocrinologist Named Top Doctor
David Kendall, MD, Adult Endocrinologist at the International Diabetes Center and Park Nicollet Clinic, was named a "Top Doctor" in the January 2000 issue of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine. In the magazine's published survey, he was voted by his peers as one of the most recommended endocrinologists in the Twin Cities.

imageB10Dr. Kendall has been involved in clinical research for more than ten years and has published over 40 original manuscripts, chapters and professional reviews. He is presently a member of the Steering Committee for the NHLBI multi-center ACCORD study (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Type 2 Diabetes) and will serve as a clinical investigator in this same study beginning in the fall of 2000. Additional research interests include studies of emerging treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes and the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Dr. Kendall's clinical practice focuses on management of diabetes and lipid disorders.

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